There is no text over the models face which tells us that the publisher wants his face to be clearly seen. The picture is a close up head shot and was taken from eye level, which shows emotion in the models face to connect with the reader. The model is wearing a cowboy costume and there is blue sky in the background, these things are usually associated with the genre of country and western, so the front cover has some traditional features.
The model is smiling which is a positive emotion and tell stereotypical and conventional for country and western. There is a range of different colours used in the image, but the main colours used are the colours dark/light brown and cream, these are conventional colours that people would usually associate with country and western. These colours used are also representations of country and western, so the audience can see that he is happy. By the looks of the background, I think the model is in a field with trees in the background, which is very stereotypical of country and western.
The eyes of the model is quite dark and does not stand out to the audience. I think that there is a light to the left of the model, which is reflecting onto his face to make a sunset effect on the left side of his face and it makes a shadow on the right side of his face, which is very dark. I think that the models hat has been manipulated so it looks smooth and neat to the audience. There is emphasis on the face of the model; the lighting coming from the side.
The theory I can apply to the image is the theory of Mulvey because the male is gazing, showing a friendly image, I think this because he is smiling. Also this could appeal to an older female audience; he is an older man with a friendly face.

There is no text over the models face, which suggests that the publisher wants the audience to focus on her face and could be a way of selling the magazine because of her good looks. The shot type is a head and body medium shot; it has the models face and body showing, also it is taken from eye level. I think that the models curly hair and bright red make-up signifies country, also the flowers and the bright yellow background represents a more modern country theme. The bright yellow colours in the background could represent the sun shinning on her, which is traditionally used in country magazines, however because it is a modern country magazine the publisher decided to use a bright, plain background instead.
The body language of the model tells me that she is a very relaxed person who is very 'flirty' and is very pretty. The expression on her face is is very neutral, however she is gazing at the camera and tilting her head which gives her a playful look. The picture was taken in a studio and I know this because the background is plain and has been edited. There is a variety of different colours used on this front cover. The main colours are pink, red and yellow, which are very bright colours which could be associated with country music. I think the colours represent beauty because they are very pretty colours, which compliment the model.

Both magazines are different because they are for a different TA. The first magazine is clearly for an older TA and the second magazine is for a younger TA because a younger model has been used. The second magazine is more modern because they break conventions by changing the models look and the style of the image, however the first image is much more traditional and is more of a stereotypical country magazine. Both magazines use the model to draw in the reader by having their face being the main feature of the front cover. I think both magazines appeal to both genders because they both use a gaze, like in the first magazine the model is a male that looks happy, however he is gazing into the camera to appeal to an older female audience so it connects with both. The second magazine uses a female model who looks very pretty and is an artist that many girls idolize, however she is pulling a playful gaze at the camera to attract a male audience.
This is excellent Morgan - super media terminology and you have considered conventions and the importance of representations. Level 4.