Thursday, 22 October 2015

Country magazine dps 2 country

This DPS is from the magazine 'country'. They have used a picture to completely cover the background and put a column of text down the right side of the DPS. The model is showing the emotion of laughter which tells the reader that he is happy. It uses the phrase "Back to the Fifties" this tells us that theme style is going to be based on the fifties.

This dps does not have much text on, but has a picture that takes up most of the dps, this suggests that the publisher wants the reader to focus on the picture more than the text. The text is new roman and has a san serif font, which is more traditional and less modern. There is a dropped capital at the beginning of the text and the text is very small compared to the text size of the headline. The picture on the wall stands out to me and I think that the man in the picture is the model when he was younger. In the picture the model is wearing sunglasses and the model in the main image is also wearing sunglasses, suggesting that this is a symbol of the artist.

I think that the picture to the left of the model is not there by coincidence. I think that the picture in the background is the model when he was younger and in the picture on the wall there is a man in his sunglasses and the model in the DPS is wearing sunglasses as well so the glasses could be his star sign that represents him. Also because the model is wearing sunglasses, he is breaking conventions because you can't see his eyes. The back wall is wooden planks which is very typical and conventional of the country theme.    

The image is a medium long-shot because it gets all of the model in the image except his feet. The image has been manipulated by adding shadows in parts of the images and adding lights to other parts to make them stand out to the audience. I think that the models clothing is more modern, which could suggest that he is still trying to show the audience that he is a modern artist. The image is taken in a studio and in my opinion everything is in a specific place in the room and not there by coincidence. The DPS is hard filled by text and mainly taken up by the the image.

The image relates to the TA because they have used an older artist, which connects with the older audience.

How this has influenced my ideas

  • I like having a whole image for a background
  • I like having the artist in the centre of the page

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